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748 posts light novel


light novel

Dear readers, I hope you're doing well. You may have noticed that the publication of Wakuro episodes has slowed down lately. I want to reassure you that this is not due to a lack of inspiration. On the contrary, I have already written the end of season 3 and the beginning of season 4, which I can't wait to share with you. But then why this slowdown? The reason is that during my re-reading of the first few episodes of Wakuro, I realized that some improvements were needed to make the story even better. Your valuable feedback and comments, as well as my own research and reading to improve the storytelling, made me realize the opportunity to perfect the Wakuro reading experience. I want to emphasize that these changes will not be drastic changes, but rather adjustments aimed at enriching the story and making it more engaging. My goal is to provide the best possible experience for you as readers. I hope this review period doesn't take too long, and I hope to resume regular posting of Wakuro episodes next week. In the meantime, I encourage you to reread previous episodes of Wakuro if you wish, in order to see the improvements made. I hope that this initiative will also hook new readers who will discover Wakuro soon. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all Wakuro readers. Your support and feedback are precious, and it is thanks to you that I have the pleasure of working on this constantly improving work. Thank you all, and see you soon for the rest of Wakuro's story. Sincerely, ZealousEngineer126