should I make simpler drawings for calixte or pure evil? I really like the style I'm going for with ballpoint pen and trying to make sort of realistic shadows, but it's really time consuming and it also allows major shifts and changes in the art quality. maybe a more simple style may allow more room for mikstkes and less quality shifts. What do ya think?
I am extremely sorry about regularly being a day late on my updates. The current pages now often include nudity and the problem is, I'm drawing during class, and I don't think the other student nor proffessors would be pleased to stumble across an out of context student dick comic. Plus they aren't really receptive to me drawing during class and my overall unusual behavior (I'm autistic and drawing helps me focus) So I'm sorry again, I'll try to do better and work a bit more to fill in the gaps. Peace!^^
Hello à tout le monde, alors je suis vraiment désolé j’ai eu un petit problème avec ma tablette graphique, problème de stylet ou problème de tablette je ne sais pas d’où ça vient, donc je dois contacter le SAV pour avoir potentiellement un remboursement ou alors qu’il m’a envoyent une nouvelle tablette, mais du coup je peux pas continuer à dessiner les planches du coup je sais pas quand Est ce que va sortir la suite je vous tiens au courant 😭😭
(re posting it here) yoo! I just made a poster for christmas^^ if you wanna support me and the calixte comic you can get it if ye want!^^ (or just if you like it hehe) in fact I've released many, but this one is the one I'm kinda proud of! here's the link: