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The Lost One (Manga) - manga scan

Par LordDLV

After committing suicide, Gwendoline Bourcier finds herself thrust into the fantasy world of Trillia, plagued by demons and archdemons. She's not alone; four other teenagers with unique skills have been summoned to her side. They become the Lost Ones, a group determined to save the multiverse from the imminent threat of Damahan, a superior entity that will arrive in two years' time. Gwendoline possesses a unique power: the ability to transform her emotions into skills. A gift that proves double-edged in this dangerous world, especially when she comes face to face with Abaguo, a powerful archdemon who seeks transcendence by devouring souls. After flirting with death, Gwendoline suddenly finds herself in charge of the survival of the multiverse with her new friends. How will she find the will to fight for life, when she herself has given up her own? Above all, what challenges will the Lost Ones face over the next two years? (Manga adapted from my novel that you can find on Webnovel) Webnovel:

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