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War of Genesis - light novel scan

Par Talep

War of Genesis (WoG) is a Light Novel set in a medieval fantasy world. Originally a role-playing game that lasted around 8 years without interruption, the story was so good to me that I set about writing it so that as many people as possible could enjoy it. It's a long-term series, which will probably last for years, for which the entire story has already been played on the role-playing game. The story is in an absolutely new style, mixing the codes of shonen, heroic fantasy and dark fantasy. It tells the story of Arthur Zodiac, heir to the throne of Lilyani, who is forced to leave his future kingdom to discover the world. Many adventures await him, at the dawn of an era of chaos.

Projet en cours MAJ
Autres traductions : drapeau 3 drapeau 5
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